Nov 27, 2010

Blue Paddel- New Belgium

Brewed by New Belgium-Fort Collins CO
This brew is definitely a pilsner lager, the aroma hits your strong when you pour it in a pint glass. It has a crisp golden color with a thin white head that will stay around for a few sips. If you're looking for a variety of flavors this isn't the beer for you. However at it's heart this beer offers a malty bitterness that should be enjoyed for what it is. New Belgium wasn't going for a kick in the face when they brewed this, in my opinion it seems that they were going back to the roots of what a pilsner/lager should be. Their bottle says that this beer was a reflection of the Europe's finest pilsners. If you are familiar with how beer is thought of in parts of Europe, then you will know that parts of Germany at least follows the German purity law, the Reinheitsgebot. Now I'm not sure if this brew follows this law, but it is a great beer, and in my book adjuncts can be a good thing!

I will rate this brew at a B
For more info about this brewery visit their site!

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