Nov 17, 2010

Full Sail Top Sail Imperial Porter- Brewmaster Reserve

My hats off to my old home town area local brewery Full Sail. You truly have created a brew that hits all edges of the pallet. This Porter pours a rich black color, and gives you the chocolate aroma as you pour into your glass. The first sip hits you with the chocolate, and then leaves you with a mild bourbon and fig treat. I would classify this brew as a desert type beer or a sipping beer with a good steak dinner (my preference). And with an ABV of 9.85% one of these specialty bottles is enough to have one with dinner, and desert! This brew was aged for 12 months in a Oak bourbon barrel, and is apart of the Full Sail Brew Master Reserve, and it certainly deserves the title. Full Sail brewery is located in Hood River, OR that overlooks the Columbia River on a clear day, and is a great area to go hiking, fishing, wind surfing or kite surfing which is something I would love to try. If you are ever in the Columbia River Gorge, I suggest going to see the waterfalls, and making your way east to Hood River and checking out the local breweries
I give this Porter an A+
$9.99-1pint 6 oz @Whole Foods Market


  1. ppssstttt a pint is 16 oz and no single beer worth $10 a pint deserves an A+ give it an A- for over pricing at least.

  2.'s a pint plus 6 ounces.

  3. well then why wouldn't you just put 22oz?
